Saturday, March 24, 2012

Two Point Perspective: Due Monday, March 26th

Here is the example of two point perspective.
Make 8-10 boxes
I left the lines on here for reference sake but erase your lines and draw them lightly
Do not shade

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wednesday March 28th

As I mentioned in class, I will not be able to make it to class on Wednesday, March 28th, our last class before spring break.  There is a chance we will still have class and another teacher will be subbing for me.  The homework assignment will be due that Monday, March 26th instead.  It is similar to the last homework assignment of the cubes in one point perspective, the only difference is it is in two point which I will go over in class and post an example of.  We will also go over the assignment that you will have over the break.

Dorm Room One Point Perspective: Due March 21st

Here is an example of the one point perspective for your dorm room.  If you live in an apartment building that's fine.  Just pick a hallway in the building that you live in.  Remember all of the lines either go to the vanishing point or are 90 degree angles.  Fully render (shade) in pencil.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

One Point Perspective Assignment Due Wed, March 14th

Here is the example of your next homework assignment on one point perspective.


make six to ten boxes
you can use a straight edge for this 

pick your horizon line and vanishing point first
the lines that are not going to the vanishing point are always 90 degrees
start light with your lines and then finish them heavier after you're done

And as always, if you have any questions...let me know.
Have a great weekend.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Contour Drawing of a Shoe

Here is the next drawing homework assignment, a contour drawing of a shoe.  Due Wednesday, March 7th.  It is similar to the negative space homework, use the nice drawing paper and take up the whole page.  Here is an example.